
Showing posts with the label earn

Nigerians in the global labor market.

“I made myself who I am to prove wrong those who saw me as who I was not.-Kofoworola George-Taylor” As a Nigerian the most irritating joke one can tell you, is the Nigerian scammer joke. It is annoying and it makes no sense. I never understood what it mean to be a Nigerian until I saw how others treated us. The disgust, the profiling and the insult because I was born in a country. Not because of who I am or what I look like. I can tell you for free, finding a job is the most difficult and tedious thing, one can do. In Nigeria and everywhere else in the world. In Nigeria you compete with over one thousand people for a good job and globally people do not want to hire you because you are Nigerian. I have been told many times, we love you but we are looking for someone in Europe or America right now. One told me outright, I will not hire you because you are Nigerian. It was heart breaking and hurtful. I became determined to prove everyone wrong. I was never someone to put in 120% ...

Free MBA

Hello! I discovered something great today, a #free #MBA #phone #app that will teach you all you need to know. I promise you I have not paid a dime. However, I am taking the classes religiously because I want to be a part of this world of free Education. Are you interested in becoming a part of something great? Do you promise to pay attention and take the #classes like you paid a fortune for it. It is often said that people do not appreciate 'free' things. I am not working with them either. I just want you to know about it. The app is called #smartly Free MBA

Five (5) steps every customer service representative should know when dealing with angry clients/customers.

1.      Do not get angry. The client is mad at the company and unfortunately you are receiving the heat. They are most likely using terms like "You people" or "You". These terms ordinarily should make you feel defensive, but you have to keep in mind that the client is not upset at you. They are just upset or dissatisfied with the service received by your company. 2.      Listen carefully to the clients’s problem. What happened? What is making them so angry? Is the fault from company or client? 3.      Apologize, give a heart felt apology. Do not just say a cold and unfeeling sorry. Try and make the customer understand you care about them. 4.      Empathize, put yourself in the client's shoes. Don’t try to reason with him or her immediately. First thing is to get them to calm down. 5.      After the clients calms down and is more...

How to set yourself apart and make yourself an asset.

Hello, I read your profile and you seem to have work experience as an Artist, Lawyer, Doctor and Chemist. Right now you may feel like you hit the home run, jack of all trades. Your resume looks full and your shoulders are held high in self admiration. Sorry to burst your bubble. Companies hire professionals, not people who cannot specialize in one job role. If I need a doctor, I will look for someone with over 3 years experience as a doctor and not someone who has had 3 different job roles in 3 years. If you have been rolling in the unemployment market for a while, unable to find suitable work and you are guilty of this. This may be why you are yet to land a job. You need to define what you can offer the company you are applying to. If you are into customer service, focus there. If you think you are better at Marketing then describe yourself as a marketer. List your experience as a marketer and write a cover letter specific to that job role. How do you focus skills and define ...

5 tips to get the job you want.

Today, so many people are searching for jobs that will give them the opportunity to earn money. Most hold bachelor's degree or even hold Master's and yet they go for years unable to find jobs. I remember when I was searching for a job when I finished university. I went to a state where no one knew me and got hired by Standard Alliance. I had no help, this like other jobs I have gotten have been on merit alone. Today I want to reveal tips I use when applying for a job. For the Job at Standard Alliance, I was interviewed by HR and the Managing Director. So how did I ace the interview? What made me stand out? 1. My Appearance: I dressed to impress. Put on a suit and ensured I looked the part, you cannot go to an interview looking dirty or drenched in sweat. Look professional, look like you ALREADY work there. 2. My Resume: I kept off the irrelevant data and kept it simple and easy to skim. I have many years of work experience in manual labor, however it was not relevan...