
Showing posts with the label happy

Five (5) steps every customer service representative should know when dealing with angry clients/customers.

1.      Do not get angry. The client is mad at the company and unfortunately you are receiving the heat. They are most likely using terms like "You people" or "You". These terms ordinarily should make you feel defensive, but you have to keep in mind that the client is not upset at you. They are just upset or dissatisfied with the service received by your company. 2.      Listen carefully to the clients’s problem. What happened? What is making them so angry? Is the fault from company or client? 3.      Apologize, give a heart felt apology. Do not just say a cold and unfeeling sorry. Try and make the customer understand you care about them. 4.      Empathize, put yourself in the client's shoes. Don’t try to reason with him or her immediately. First thing is to get them to calm down. 5.      After the clients calms down and is more...