How to get a job you are passionate about... Part 1
What is passion? What are you passionate about and why is it important to work somewhere you are passionate about the work? To begin, passion (to me) means having an interest in what you do. When you are passionate about something you are invested in it physically, emotionally and mentally. Whenever I am faced with a new challenge at work people usually ask me how I stay positive. My secret is... I am passionate about my work. I only work with companies where I can make a difference and where their goal are aligned with mine. I always wanted to help other people, so I started working in customer service. It has been a bumpy ride since then. Each day has been new learning experience for me. The more I learn the more I realize I never knew anything to begin with. That is the thing about life, you have to be willing to learn and become more open to criticism. When I am criticized constructively I write down what I need to improve in. I t...